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Finance Committee

Louise Malarkey, Chair

Grania Beauregard Allport

Gail Bain Edwards

Timothy Lehey

Lynnea Carstens Elliot

Lois Mueller Glazier

Joan A. McCormick

Bettie Springer Jackson

Olga Brown Vanderpool


Distinguished Alumni Award (DAA) Committee

Maureen Murphy-Ruocco, Co-Chair

The committee is a joint committee with the Columbia University School of Nursing Alumni Association. View the committee roster and learn about the alumni awards program on the Columbia Nursing site.


Membership Committee

Louise Malarkey, Chair

Linda Glazner

Denise Linton

Sally Thomson Popoli

Olga Brown Vanderpool

Janice Cobb Ziemba


Nominating Committee

Linda Johnston Habif, Chair

JoAnne (Jay) Messore Shotwell

Kristine Qureshi


Research Committee

Jill Nadolny Kilanowski, Chair

Susan Krienke Chase

Judith Hupcey


Scholarship Committee

Stephanie Wright, Chair

Roberta Cricco-Lizza

Judith Hupcey

Jill Nadolny Kilanowski

Maureen Murphy-Ruocco

Kristen Weaver-Toedtman

Susan Crandall Robinson

Nora Barrett Tulchin

Updated 8/19/24